Meet The Greenhouse Project Team

At its heart, The Greenhouse Project is a vibrant community of volunteers, board members, and staff who are each dedicated to making the world a better place – starting in their own backyard. We continually welcome new people into The Greenhouse Project “family”! If you are interesting in joining us, please get in touch!

Staff Members

Our management staff consists of and Executive Director and a part-time Program Director.
Jane Risse, Executive Director and Greenhouse Manager
Executive Director
Greenhouse Manager

Jane Risse is the Founder, Executive Director, and Greenhouse Manager of The Greenhouse Project. Her passion is  to educate the public about gardening and the importance of locally grown, nutrient-rich food for growing healthy people and a healthy planet.

Jane began vegetable gardening with father, which grew into a passion for helping to create a green, diverse and healthy community. With a love of nature and especially for urban gardening, Jane advocates for a prolific local food system. Jane is a current executive board member of the Food Policy Council in Lackawanna County and is a certified Master Gardener through the Pennsylvania State Cooperative Extension since 2009. Jane received Jane received training in passive solar-heated greenhouses, small plot intensive, (SPIN) Square Foot Gardening, and Urban Farming. Volunteering in Barbados for Future Centre Trust, a model of urban farm sustainable practices, sparked her interest in a sustainable food movement.  As a manager of Laurie’s Community Garden in Scranton, she discovered the rich possibilities of what a “community” garden can do for a neighborhood. She lives and gardens in Scranton, PA.


Kimberly Crafton, Program Director

For over 20 years, Kimberly has been a respected leader in cultural projects and tourism/hospitality administration – with special talent in event management, public speaking, public and media relations, community outreach, print and digital design. Known for creating cultural connections and innovative partnerships, her focus is always on connecting people to their forgotten histories, to their ancestors, their neighbors, their communities, their world.

Founder of Crafton Cultural Management, she has worked on both local and national-level projects, with a long list of organizations that include The National Endowment for the Humanities, The Institute of Museum & Library Studies, The Pennsylvania Historic & Museum Commission, The Pennsylvania Humanities Council, and more.

Extremely proud to play a small part in The Greenhouse Project, Kimberly lives and works in both the US and in various countries throughout Europe, watching and listening for what each place has been waiting to tell her.

Theresa O'Connor, OAOA Coordinator

Theresa, a native of NEPA, remains steadfast in her commitment to the local community, the arts, and sustainable practices. Her work in our area includes fostering a vibrant arts scene in Scranton, work with local vegetable farms, and providing guidance to aspiring artists via her roles as the current AFA Gallery Director and Lackawanna County ACE Council Member. Theresa’s dedication continues to evolve, fostering initiatives that intertwine art, community, and sustainability.

Her enthusiasm for OAOA (our Outdoor & Active Older Adults program) stems from her desire to advocate for healthy lifestyles, build empathetic communities, and forge a deeper connection with the environment. Through her diverse experiences and an unwavering commitment to positively impact the area in which she lives, Theresa continues to nurture the local community and prioritize the well-being of its people.

Advisory Team

Some of our many Community Advisors
Tara Rosencrance Atkins
Orna Clum
Nell Donnelly-O'Boyle
Gretchen Ludders
AnnMarie Noone

Board Executive Team

The Greenhouse Project's Executive Team
Maureen Duffy, President

As a founding board member, I love and and proud to help guide the Greenhouse Project because we literally plant the seeds to grow plants – while at the same time sowing the seeds to bring people together through local collaborations. The Greenhouse Project is a uniter of natural resources to a healthier lifestyle, meeting people where they are at on their own individual journeys. Our specialty is creating connections through various inclusive and interactive experiences, which in turn lead to healthier, sustainable communities! 

Janet Foley, Vice President

“Being part of this non-profit has enabled me to engage with lots of plant loving people and make some good friends.  I believe in our mission statement and what we provide to the area in the way of classes and organic plants for your garden (which are not easy to find locally!).  A lot of people have come to rely on the services we provide and we get great feedback from the participants.  We are also a vital part of Nay Aug Park, providing ongoing events and a public space for area residents. Our community gardens are another great neighborhood space – I love hearing how having a space to garden and be part of a community garden has enriched peoples lives.  I love being on this board because I get to help make The Greenhouse Project better and better.  I love working with our Partner Organizations. Being on the board, even serving as a term as President, has really opened my eyes to how a non-profit functions, both internally and in the community, and the tough decisions that need to be made even in a pandemic.”   

Linda Hair, Secretary

I have been a volunteer and supporter of The Greenhouse Project since its very humble beginning at Laurie’s Community Garden. Initially I got involved to help my best friend, Jane. I am not a gardener and admittedly do not do well with plants, but I do enjoy helping to harvest what is planted! Watching this non-profit grow into such a well-rounded program that has a far reach has been a pleasure.

I have stayed involved  (they do still keep me away from the plants 🙂  and have helped at many fundraisers over the years. I love what the Greenhouse Project does for our community. I have participated in yoga and some exercise classes. I was there when a little boy got his own bicycle from the Community Bike Recycle program – I can still see the smile on his face! When I was asked to serve on the Board, and to subsequently serve as Treasurer, it was always a very easy for me. I’m honored and proud to be a part of The Greenhouse Project!”

Sheila Furrow, Treasurer

Board Members

And the rest of our dedicated, volunteer Board of Directors - meet them here!
Ann Boland
Jennifer Cathrall

I’m very excited to work with this board to strengthen relationships within our community and let people know how important it is to grow your own food, maintain a healthy lifestyle, and help grow your community by supporting local organizations. I discovered the Greenhouse Project through social media and noticed they were looking for volunteers to help clean up around the greenhouse in Nay Aug Park. I was introduced to an amazing staff and learned about the Greenhouse Project and their mission. 

The greenhouse is a special place for me. I find volunteering with like-minded people in the greenhouse and being educated on the growth process and benefits of herbs, vegetables, flowers and plants extremely beneficial to my health and mental state of mind. My horticulture skills improve every time I volunteer or attend a class

James Hailstone, Esq.

Of Kreder, Brooks & Hailstone, Scranton PA. 

LeeAnn Loftus
Gwen Philmeck
Joanne McDonald
Eugene McDonough

“As a lifelong environmentalist, I am a grateful and always-learning member of the board of The Greenhouse Project. With a passion for recycling and buying local, I find this little organization brings the best of these worlds together by highlighting the enormous and sometimes lost value of fresh local food and neighborhood gardens. Both of these things bring rich benefits to our local community, providing us great tasting food, personal well-being, and a reduction in our carbon footprint – all while supporting and caring for our neighbors. This is an important part of what the Greenhouse Project does – and why I chose to become a board member.”

Richard O'Hara
Sandra Opshinsky

My journey with The Greenhouse Project started many years ago. I have known and been friends and coworkers of the Risse family for over 25 years. 18 years ago I began a position as the Recreation Specialist/Grants Manager/Special Events Coordinator for the City of Scranton in the Parks Department. I worked on and wrote most of the grants that installed new amenities within Nay Aug Park and helped to create 2 city parks during my tenure. One of those grants was to bring the former Cleland Greenhouse back to life, as it was a deteriorating, unusable space with the historic main building, and a greenhouse portion that no longer had a framework or glass to support growing or programming. I was successful in working with and having Walmart Corporation Community Giving Grant Program see the vision that the building could accomplish, and they awarded the park $100,000 to purchase and install the present McNulty Greenhouse. We built it as it stands today. 

At that time, in conversation with my friend Jane, she had expressed her concern about and provided a proposal for finding a home for Shalom, the group she had been working with, in the newly built, but empty, greenhouse. Jane and I worked together in sharing the story of the work she so diligently believed in and wanted to pursue, and in that, was accepted to begin tenancy in their new home.
One of the first things we did upon the group moving in was to work together on grant applications, several of which were funded. One in particular, from the Ronald McDonald House Foundation, provided the start up supplies of pots, soil, and materials needed to begin this journey that has become a force within the community in programming and education for everyone.
I’m proud of these accomplishments, and continue to work to bring this needed message to funders in hopes that they also see the valuable work being done, and tireless hours and dedication of talented volunteers.
That’s part of my journey.    
Tony Patte

“I volunteer as a board member because I really enjoy giving back to our community.  I believe in the programs that the Greenhouse Project offers, especially the community gardens which help families grow their own food.  I also think that the The Honeybee & Harvest Day Parade and is a magical event in Nay Aug Park and enjoy working there for the day.  We are growing a healthier community and I am always happy to do my part.”